Replacement of worn out valves is expected to lead to significant savings on both energy consumption and service costs.
The utility DIN Forsyning in Esbjerg, Denmark treats the wastewater from citizens and industry in two nearby municipalities. They have treatment plants in different locations in the area and the largest plant is dimensioned to 290.000 PE.
Aeration is an energy demanding process in wastewater treatment
One of the steps in the wastewater treatment takes place in the biology tanks where biodegradation converts nitrogen compounds into free nitrogen. An important part of this biological treatment process is aeration where oxygen is added to the water. The aeration is one of the most energy demanding processes at the treatment plant, and a precise regulation of the aeration is important to ensure that the biological processes have optimal conditions.
Knife gate valves for a precise regulation
As part of a project at two of the treatment plants in Esbjerg, the supply company decided to replace a number of worn out butterfly valves with electrical actuators. The function of the valves was to regulate air in the aeration tanks. The butterfly valves were replaced with AVK knife gate valves with LINAK linear actuators and control box WCU-BUS. Knife gate valves have a more precise regulation compared to butterfly valves and this is ideal related to the function of the valves in the aeration tanks. Other reasons for choosing AVK knife gate valves and LINAK actuators for this project are:
- The simple and compact design of AVK knife gate valves
- Simple and easy installation
- Low energy consumption ensuring a cost effective operation
- No need for external technicians to adjust the valve and the actuator
- No need for after-sales service from external technicians
30 knife gate valves delivered to the project
Prior to the project, two valves were tested for six months in a small installation nearby. After a satisfying test, the utility decided to go with this solution for the larger project in Esbjerg. The project involved a total of 30 AVK knife gate valves DN65-200, and the valves were delivered by Vatech2000 during the end of 2016 and beginning of 2017.
More about AVK knife gate valves and Linak linear actuators
Please find our documentation for AVK knife gate valves with linear actuator here.

DIN Forsyning is handling wastewater from industry and households, district heating, drinking water and recycling depots as well as emptying waste containers in two Danish municipalities.