AVK control valves series 859 up to DN600

AVK control valves series 859 now up to DN600

We are pleased to inform that we have added DN350-600 to our range of pressure reducing and pressure sustaining/relief control valves, and furthermore extended our standard range with constant flow control valves up to DN600. 22-11-2019

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Unique design features 

AVK control valves are the safe choice offering accurate regulation, easy maintenance and long durability: 

  • All non-coated metal parts of stainless steel AISI 316 as standard
  • Fusion bonded GSK approved epoxy coating (300 micron) 
  • AVK's own drinking water approved rubber compounds
  • Modular pilot system enables easy fitting to other applications without replacing the valve
  • Adjustment of regulating speed for full control
  • Parabolic plug design provides precise regulation and stability at low flow
  • Large diaphragm secures fast reaction to minor changes in pressure
  • Lifted seat prevents damage inside the valve body due to cavitation
  • AVK design and manufacture with 100% pressure test and 10-year warranty

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Find our videos including a video explaining how a constant flow valve works.

Patented flexible pilot system for AVK control valves

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Features and benefits of AVK control valves

AVK control valves are the safe choice offering accurate regulation, easy maintenance and long durability
Video explaining how a constant flow valve function - thumbnail


How does an AVK constant flow valve work.

Brochure about pressure reducing and pressure sustaining control valves


Control valves

Learn how control valves can help reduce water losses and contribute to efficient water supply management.