Supa Maxi™ universal tensile straight couplings and adaptors up to DN600
New dimensions added to our range for water and wastewater: DN350, 450, 500 and 600 25-09-2018
We are happy to launch new large dimensions of Supa Maxi™ universal tensile straight couplings, flange adaptors and end caps for water and wastewater:
Straight couplings series 631: New DN350, DN450, DN500 and DN600, so now AVK offers straight couplings in DN50-600.
Flange adaptors series 633: New DN350, DN450, DN500 and DN600, so now AVK offers flange adaptors in DN40-600.
End caps series 634: New DN350, so now AVK offers a full range of end caps from DN50 to DN400.
General design
Supa Maxi™ is designed for underground use in water, wastewater and gas applications. The unique SupaGrip™ gasket design provides full support and backup of the gasket, even on minimum pipe size within the tolerance range and when used on oval pipes. Since no plastic components are used in the gasket assembly, installation below freezing point is possible, and there is no requirement for re-tightening of bolts. Read more in our insights section.
Features for new DNs:
- Pipe tolerances: DN350: Ø352-396 mm - DN450: Ø448-510 mm - DN500: Ø498-552 mm - DN600: Ø604-652 mm
- Designed for PN16, design test 16 X 1.5 bar = 24 bar
- Pending approval for DN350-600 according to EN 14525
- Protection cap of PE for DN350, and of nylon-fabric for DN450-500-600