Installation of VIDI devices for monitoring valves and hydrants | AVK Smart Water

AVK Smart Water IoT sensors

Battery-operated IoT sensors are game-changing for obtaining a transparent network. AVK Smart Water sensors provide data directly from applications in the water network. This data can seamlessly integrate into any preferred IT system, enabling easy comparison and providing a comprehensive overview of the distribution network.

VIDI Positioner

Avoid time-consuming tasks such as searching for anomalies caused by a wrongly positioned valve. With VIDI Positioner installed, you get continuous monitoring of critical valves such as valves used for flushing the pipes or for operation in District Metering Areas. This ensures more reliable flow and pressure measurements across  the distribution network.

VIDI Positioner shows the valve’s open status as a percentage (0-100), allowing quick identification of whether valves are properly opened or closed. Thanks to its battery and communication technology, VIDI Positioner is easy to install and transmits data even from underground locations to any IT system. 

Go to datasheet for more details.


Monitoring fire hydrants is a great way to detect tampering. With sensors installed on fire hydrants, it becomes easier to distinguish between real water loss or necessary use of water.

VIDI Cap delivers valuable insights by remotely monitoring hydrant cap operations, sending alerts for any tampering attempts or collisions. In addition, monitoring fire hydrants also helps reduce contamination risks.

Go to datasheet for more details.

AVK Smart Water VIDI Positioner for gate valves - for monitoring the distribution network
VIDI Cap for hydrant | AVK Smart Water

VIDI Pressure

Optimising pressure based on consumption helps balance fluctuations, extend pipe longevity, and reduce energy consumption by pumps. VIDI Pressure allows for detailed pressure monitoring across the network, making it easier to detect pressure changes.

Thanks to its battery-powered design and communication technology, VIDI Pressure can be installed in hard-to-reach locations like wells or chambers while still transmitting reliable data.

Go to datasheet for more details.

Download PDF: Learn how monitoring pressure at control valve inlet and outlet can optimise operation of the water distribution network


Enabling remote monitoring of inlet meters at District Metering Areas (DMA) helps track water balance and allows for faster detection of leaks. By connecting VIDI Flow to the pulse output of a flow meter, you will get a clear overview of water flow entering the DMA.

Go to datasheet for more details.

VIDI Temperature

Water temperature changes due to various factors, making continuous monitoring essential. VIDI Temperature measures and transmits water temperatures ranging from -20°C to +80°C, ensuring that temperatures stay within recommended ranges to prevent bacteria growth. The flexible design allows for easy installation at key points in the network.

Go to datasheet for more details.

VIDI Flow, Temperature and Pressure transmitters for a digitalised water distribution

VIDI Open/Close 

Monitoring the open/close position of different network assets ensures an easier overview of their condition. VIDI Open/Close can be installed on various assets with moving and fixed parts, transmitting a signal whenever an asset changes position.

Go to datasheet for more details.

VIDI Level

Measuring the distance to the nearest surface is important when monitoring sand traps or wells. VIDI Level allows you to measure e.g. water or sand levels without the need for direct contact with the medium. Due to its flexible design, VIDI Level can easily be installed in sand traps or chambers and warn about flooding.

Go to datasheet for more details.

Animation showing how AVK smart water can be set up
Small AVK brochure about our IOT sensors for Smart Water


AVK Smart Water – IoT sensors

Learn about IoT sensors for digital monitoring of the distribution network. Read more about our IoT sensors.


Enhanced water distribution efficiency with IoT sensors

Bratislava Water Company (BVS), Slovakia, has successfully implemented a pilot project digitizing the water distribution network with battery-operated IoT sensors and software for data visualisation.