Hands under running water

Water in the world – local and global challenges

Water is the basis for all life, and with the booklet "Water in the World" we want to create awareness about the huge impact that water has on human health and quality of life, the world's energy consumption and climate impacts, as well as how economy is affected by water loss and untreated wastewater. In other words, those major issues that have led to e.g. the UN sustainable development goal 6 to ensure access to water and sanitation for all.

Download the booklet "Water in the world - local and global challenges"

Water loss, water shortage and contaminated water

In many places in the world, water is a scarce resource. Despite this, more than a third of the produced drinking water never reaches the end user. Water loss, water scarcity and discharge of 
wastewater create massive problems all over the world.

"Water loss is the worst – it is a waste of an often-sparse resource and also of the resources (energy, labour and write-off of infrastructure) used to extract the water.” - Bjørn Kaare Jensen, VC, Danish Water Forum, President, European Water Association

Globally, poor water quality costs millions of lives every day. Clean drinking water and access to sanitation is not a matter of course for everyone. For many people in developing countries it is only a dream.

Below are some thought-provoking and worrying facts about how the world handles water and wastewater – you can read more in the booklet "Water in the world":

  • By 2025, 1.8 billion people are expected to endure absolute water scarcity.
  • Two billion people only have access to excrement-polluted drinking water.
  • On a global scale, the total water loss is between 35% and 40%.  In Europe, the average water loss is 26%.
  • 70% of the world’s water consumption is used in agriculture, expanding food production but one third of the food that is produced globally is thrown away. One third of the water used for food production is therefore wasted.
  • Clean water and better sanitation can globally assist the health sector save 10%.
  • 80% of the world’s wastewater is led untreated back into nature.
Illustration of the importance of water in the world

Know-how and technologies

Globally, there is an increasing political attention to water challenges, and an increasing political understanding that action is required. The increased attention to the UN sustainable development goals, and on a European level the revised drinking water directive, is another step in the right direction.

We already possess knowledge, know-how, technologies and products that could begin making a difference, reducing the problems and providing better lives for many people.

As a supplier to the water sector, we work systematically to improve water supply by reducing water loss and making the daily operations and necessary maintenance as cost-effective as possible.

Thumbnail global water challenges - Michael Ramlau-Hansen and Søren Hvilshøj, Rambøll


Global water challenges

We have asked some of our colleagues from the water industry how Danish technology can contribute and help solve some of these challenges.
Thumbnail reducing carbon footprint - Michael Ramlau-Hansen and MAds Warming, Danfoss


Reducing carbon footprint

Mads Warming, Global Head of Water and Wastewater at Danfoss, shares his views on solving global water challenges.
In AVK we primarily focus on goal no. 6 in helping providing safe drinking water and decent sanitation for all.


What if waste is no longer considered waste?

'What if' is no longer a relevant question…It is possible to turn wastewater into renewable energy.