Biogas for a greener future
Biogas is a renewable energy source deriving from organic waste material. By capturing and utilizing biogas we can prevent the release of methane into the atmosphere and reduce overall greenhouse gas emissions. Biogas is expected to play an important role in the transition to green energy, and AVK is proud to take part in this by delivering valves for biogas applications.
What is biogas?
Biogas is a renewable energy source that is produced through the process of anaerobic digestion, a naturally occurring biological process similar to what takes place in the stomach of a cow. Biogas is primarily composed of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), along with small amounts of other gases such as nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and water vapor. Biogas is typically produced by breaking down organic materials, such as agricultural waste, food waste, sewage, and animal manure, in the absence of oxygen.
What are the benefits of using biogas?
According to World Biogas Association (WBA):
“In today’s world, where job creation, economic growth, energy generation and food production must all be achieved at the same time as drastically cutting climate change emissions, few technologies have the ability to make such a huge contribution to all these areas worldwide.”
WBA claims that biogas has the potential of reducing global climate emissions by 10% and create millions of jobs. And the environmental and socioeconomic benefits of biogas are obvious:
- Renewable and sustainable: it derives from organic waste materials that are continuously generated
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: When organic waste decomposes in landfills or is left untreated, it releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change - capturing and utilizing biogas can prevent this
- Waste management: converting organic waste into biogas reduces the volume of waste
- Decentralized energy production: particularly beneficial in rural areas or regions with limited access to traditional energy sources
- Nutrient-rich digestate: The by-product of the anaerobic digestion process, called digestate, can be used to improve soil quality and agricultural productivity.
- Job creation: Biogas production and utilization create job opportunities within waste management, construction, agriculture, and energy production.
AVK valves and accessories for all stages in the process
1. Preparation
First stage is handling and preparing the different types of organic matter for the biogas plant. Examples of input materials are liquid manure, agricultural material, organic household waste and waste from the food industry. The type of organic matter affects the biogas production process as the fermentation process will differ accordingly. Therefore, it is common practice to have several preparation tanks, to ensure a homogeneous biomass composition for a stable and uniform gas production.
For this application AVK offers our standard valves and accessories:
2. Production
The prepared biomass is transferred into a reactor tank, where biogas is produced as a result of an anaerobic digestion process. At this stage, the produced gas mainly consists of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), but it also contains small amounts of water (H2O) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Hydrogen sulfide is an aggressive gas when it occurs at high concentrations.
For these applications, AVK offers the following valves:
- Untreated gas: Butterfly valves
- Liquids: Gate valves
- Sludge: Knife gate valves
3. Distribution
Following the anaerobic digestion, hydrogen sulfide is removed from the gas produced. The gas may then be used on site where it is converted into electricity or heating. Alternatively, the gas may undergo further clean-up processes to be upgraded to a quality level suitable for distribution to the natural gas network.
For this application AVK offers all our standard valves and accessories for gas distribution: