AVK gate valves and dismantling joints are installed to branch the main water pipe in Aalst, Belgium. The installations are part of the renovation of the entire ring road around Aalst.
The main water pipe, DN900, is branched off at both sides of the main road Siesegemlaan by means of six gate valves and dismantling joints DN400, PN16. The entire construction is built inside the roof of the tunnel underneath the Siesegemlaan.
The renovation of the road around Aalst is necessary to ensure safer traffic. In addition, the traffic circulation will be improved thanks to tunnels underneath the road and coordinated traffic lights for a green wave flow. The renovated road will have an increased capacity and will improve the economic growth of the city.
The tunnels underneath the city will decrease traffic in the city centre as well as the noise pollution. Moreover, one of the tunnel roofs will be a green roof having space for cyclists and pedestrians.

AVK gate valves
AVK offers gate valves according to global standards and with a wealth of end and material configurations – in total more than 100 variants to meet the requirements from AVK International’s region, and more than 300 variants in total from the AVK Group of companies.
Learn more about AVK gate valves
About the project
• Company: FARYS
• Location: Ring road Aalst
• Installation: January 2017
• Products: 12 AVK gate valves and dismantling joints
• Pressure class: PN16
• Diameter: DN400