Upgraded fire protection system in the port of Rotterdam
Reliable valve solutions support environmental initiatives at high-end wastewater treatment plant
Optimising wastewater management in Riga
Images from sites worldwide
AVK around the world
The future water supply network with digital monitoring
Pressure management ensures sufficient pressure
Enhanced water distribution efficiency with IoT sensors
Low-noise regulation improves the work environment
Monitoring valve open/close position in the Dutch water supply network
Upgrade of the Hoa Lien water treatment plant to meet the increasing needs for water supply
Urgent repair of two large-size pipelines in the aqueduct “Acquedotto Pugliese”
Improve non-revenue water calculations and support active leakage control with VIDI Positioner
Remote monitoring of valves saves time and resources
Verdo improved their network management with pressure sensors
Expansion of the Los Vados wastewater treatment plant has increased the capacity of the system by three
Expansion of Centennial Road in Panama City
AVK valves ensure reliable supply for Athens water utility
NB-IoT sensors provide a better overview and a more efficient water supply
AVK valves protect drinking water sources from saltwater intrusion
Supplying more than 100 valves to the largest gold mine in Europe
State-of-the-art treatment technology in new wastewater plant
New BMW production plant to be established in Hungary – with AVK valves
AVK knife gate valves installed in large pipe system for slurry
Development of a multi-purpose water management system in Hungary
From organic waste to green energy
Renovation of main pumping station at water and wastewater utility VCS Denmark
Preparing for future needs through an upgraded water infrastructure
Repair of eight leaks on the Adduttore Sinni DN3000 pipeline
AVK hydrants decorate the first smart street in Romania
Automation secures demand-driven supply, quality water and optimum work conditions
Water treatment plant for the city of Písek
Preventive repair of socket joints on DN1200 water pipeline
Repair of socket joint and its basement on DN900 water pipeline
Supa Lock™ threadless service connection system for utility line construction
Reconstruction of DN600 water transmission pipeline
Complete replacement of sand filter system at Danish wastewater treatment plant
AVK repair clamp saved precious time and water
Needle valve for dam base drainage renewal
PE pipes are widely used within water supply
Aquafin chooses AVK valves for renovation of pumping station in Brugge, Belgium
First Supa Maxi™ DN600 in Belgium
Building a brand new neighbourhood
AVK combi-cross for reconstruction of pipe network
Road expansion affecting water pipelines
Wastewater pumping station with a green profile
The oldest and largest pumping station in Denmark has been discontinued and a new one has been installed. It is designed for climate changes and considering environmental aspects.
AVK delivers to one of the largest battery factories in Europe
In January 2018, the third biggest company in South Korea started building one of the largest battery factories in Europe - located in Hungary and with a yearly capacity to supply 250,000 cars with batteries.
Less iron and calcium in the drinking water in Eeklo
Digitalisation ensures safe and clean drinking water
New gas valves for renovation project widening Albert channel in Antwerp, Belgium
Large-scale project for efficient water supply management leads to million dollar savings
Steel purge point valves on DN250 and DN300 pipes
AVK valves for large-scale hospital project
AVK fire protection products delivered to a huge international project
Azerbaijani, Turkish and Italian governments are working with BP on bringing natural gas from Azerbaijan to Turkey and Europe through an 1850 km main pipeline system.
AVK products in largest biogas plant in Southern Europe
Wastewater treatment plant with ground-breaking technologies
A future with minimised water loss
First section well installed in large pressure management project
Reducing energy consumption and service costs
New main water supply to connect cities in Norway
Butterfly valves for refurbishment activities in water treatment plant in Hamburg, Germany
Improved water environment and efficiency
Cloudburst protection of larger buildings
Old gas pipeline replaced in Kampen, Netherlands
AVK valves for district cooling in Copenhagen
Supa Maxi™ couplings in renovation of fire protection network
Replacement of valves reduced water loss in Romania
Fire protection system at Aarhus Oil Harbour
Securing Albanian water supply for the future
Excessive leakage reduction in Drakenstein
AVK products are part of solutions to reduce water loss in Abu Dhabi
AVK valves for all types of wastewater installations
AVK helps providing secure water network in Sweden
AVK knife gate valves installed at large biogas plant in Denmark
AVK free flow hydrant for quick relief of water supply line
AVK valves for desalination plant in Andalucia, Spain
AVK VALVULAS delivered more than 700 butterfly valves to a project improving the irrigation facilities of Dalias, a little coast town in Almeria, Andalucia in the south of Spain.