Let’s make a difference when every second counts
Let’s make a difference when every second counts
UL/FM approved dry barrel fire hydrants and accessories - suitable for frost areas
UL/FM approved wet barrel fire hydrants and accessories - suitable for non-frost areas
UL/FM approved gate valves with wrench nut, OS&Y and post indicator flange, VdS approved flanged and grooved end gate valves
Centric butterfly valves with fixed liner, flanged or semi lug
UL/FM approved spring loaded swing check valves with flanged and grooved ends, and AVK swing check valves and ball check valves
Post indicators, extension spindles, handwheels, T-keys and stem caps
Fixed height and height adjustable surface boxes for valves and underground hydrants in synthetic materials and in ductile iron, and accessories for those
Universal and dedicated couplings, flange adaptors and end caps in tensile and non-tensile executions
Stainless steel repair clamps in different designs and material configurations
Y-strainers for protection of equipment such as control valves
Micro and limit switches for gate valves, switches for post indicators, and nozzles and monitors for hydrants
Series 84 above-ground fire hydrants Type A and C in ductile iron and various configurations, optionally with upper barrel of stainless steel
Series 09 above-ground fire hydrants Type A and B in ductile iron or aluminium
Underground fire hydrants in various designs, with or without additional ball shut-off
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